“We feel that there has never been a better time to be a musician in India” – Faridkot – Planet Bollywood
Faridkot is a name that is very popular in the world. Their music has reached the masses and fans can’t get over their signature song ‘Jehda Nasha’ which was released in the year 2019. The song was taken up recently by the Ayushmaan Khurrana starrer film ‘An Action Hero’.
Faridkot is known for its indie-pop songs and they shared their opinion on the future of Indie music and movies incorporating this genre and said, “The future of indie music is definitely very bright. With the advent of social media and streaming platforms, the bar for entry has become very easy now. So many musicians without a huge backing have managed to cut through and have huge followings independent of being associated with Bollywood or films in general. This allows an influx of talent that we would’ve previously not heard of. And some very exciting and incredible music that wouldn’t have reached the world. The trend has been positive for a while now and we feel that there has never been a better time to be a musician in India.
The music genius, Faridkot shared their thoughts on Indie-music versus commercial Bollywood music and said, “We feel that all music is the same. To box them and to try and classify them makes things a little oversimplified. Any Bollywood commercial music is made by people who are incredibly talented and share the same kind of love for music that any indie musician has. Of course, the difference in resources is inevitable. However, the quality of music is dependent on the character and skill of the artist rather than whether they are indie or Bollywood. Loads of Bollywood songs are brilliant songs that are going to last forever and many are not. The same goes for indie music.
The fans love Faridkot and waits for the next project meanwhile, Faridkot said, They have recently signed on to T Series and are going to be releasing an EP with them very soon. There’s lots of music coming for fans from Faridkot soon.
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